1. The College council shall consist of the Principal and Heads of the Department of each Subject of study, two persons elected from the staff members, Librarian of the General Library and the Ministerial Head of Administrative Staff of the College Office. 
  1. The Principal shall be the ex-officio President of the Council. The council shall appoint one of the members as the Secretary and the member so appointed shall hold office for one year, but shall be eligible for re-election
  1. All cases of serious misconduct on the part of students involving loss of their term certificates or their removal or expulsion from the College shall be dealt with by the Principal, ordinarily in consultation with the College Council.
  1. Meeting of the Council shall be convened at such time as the Principal may consider necessary. He shall also convene a meeting when required to do so on the written requisition of not less than two third of the members.
  1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules it shall be competent to the Principal to dispose of any matter which should ordinarily be disposed by the Council.
  1. The general administration of the college falls under the Principal’s jurisdiction, subject to oversight by the Director of Collegiate Education. Some administrative tasks, such as those related to the library, athletics, building maintenance, and grounds upkeep, may be delegated by the Principal to Council members, with their work being closely supervised. 
  1. The Council has the authority to discuss and make recommendations on matters related to accommodation, curriculum, and disciplinary rules that are referred to it by the Principal. However, it should refrain from interfering in the general management of the college, which is the responsibility of the Principal under the guidance of the Director of Collegiate Education.
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